Whether you live here or find yourself here for a quick sojourn, the Hudson Valley is your food, wine, and art destination. We are a diverse but tight community, and shopping locally and supporting one another on Main Street in the Hudson Valley and Catskill Mountains is what we do best. If you live here, take a summer drive
across the Hudson to check out your neighboring towns—there’s always something new to see. If traveling from the city, a train or bus will easily get you to your destination. Go solo, or grab a friend, a date, or your family . . . and explore the arts. FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LIST OF EVENTS TO GET YOU STARTED ON YOUR SUMMER ARTS TOUR:
COLD SPRING First Friday
5:30-9pm, Main Street
Visit this historic village on the east banks of the Hudson for an art gallery walk with wine and cheese receptions; events start at 5:30pm. Half a dozen restaurants also participate with special discounts and drink specials. Shops stay open late to 9pm. Cold Spring has easy Metro North access and spectacular views of the Hudson.
KINGSTON Night Market
Third Friday 6-10pm,
May–October Lower Broadway
between Spring &
West Strand Streets
to waterfront
Kingston comes alive with a pop-up street festival and market with a Parisian and Asian inspiration. The street is transformed through lights and tents, live music, local artists, food, and various vendors. Hosted by the Kingston Waterfront Business Association (KWBA) and Ulster County Tourism.
6-10pm, Main & Partition Streets
The town really comes alive at this event! You’ll find art, unique fashion, books, and home goods. Live music is performed on the street, as well as indoors. Cue' BBQ is a great place to catch some tunes. There are new art galleries, cooking demonstrations, and many other fun events, including the chocolate fountain and other surprises in town.
ROSENDALE 4th Friday Night Market
5-10pm Main Street
Shops will be open late and there are special events all over town.


CATSKILL Second Saturday Strolls
4-8pm, Main Street
Go to Catskill and sample food and drink specials, check out special sales, and enjoy in-store events. Live music and specialty vendors create a family- fun summer evening on Main Street. The “CatWalk” event in June and “Winefest” in August are yearly favorites. Each monthly stroll has a different theme. Check their website for details: catskillny.org/heart-of-catskill-association---second-saturday-strolls.html; facebook.com/
KINGSTON First Saturday
Various Galleries and
The Arts Society of Kingston at 97 Broadway
Kingston, the first capitol of New York State, is rich in history, architecture, and visual and performing arts. First Saturday offers vibrant gallery receptions that include live music, open studio tours, theatrical performances, historical reenactments, and arts and cultural activities. It’s not to be missed! askforarts.org/calendar; facebook.com/ASKforArts/timeline

BEACON Second Saturday
Main Street to waterfront
Beacon is one of the most talked about destinations in New York, establishing itself as one of the great art communities in the Hudson Valley. There are galleries to explore from one end of Main Street to another, including Back Room Gallery, featuring fine art, handmade jewelry, and mixed media. Second Saturday events include art gallery openings, open studio tours, artist receptions, and culinary tastings. Many galleries and shops stay open till 9pm. There are over a dozen restaurants to try, plus live music and entertainment. There are more than 20 locations to view art, including galleries, restaurants and shops.

NEWBURGH Last Saturday
Liberty Street, Ann Street,
and Lower Broadway to waterfront.
Just across the river from Beacon, you’ll find more art, music, galleries, and restaurants on the historic Newburgh waterfront You can even take the ferry back and forth across the Hudson for some extra fun! Shops are open till 8pm or later with extended hours.

6-9pm, The Arts Upstairs,
60 Main Street
Art and a potluck party is what’s on the agenda at Phoenicia Third Saturdays.Vibrant artwork all reasonably
priced. artupstairs.com
WOODSTOCK Poetry Society
& Festival Second Saturday 2pm
The Golden Notebook, 9 Tinker Street
This open-mic event draws as many as 20 readers. Two noted poets are featured readers each month. Attendance ranges from 20-50 people per event. Free. The Woodstock Poetry Society is a literary organization formed to provide an opportunity for Hudson Valley poets to read from their work for an appreciative audience and for members of the community to gain a better understanding of poetry and the creative process.
RHINEBECK Third Weekends
Downtown Rhinebeck
Third Weekend Art Walks celebrate the arts! Visit galleries that have receptions and openings Friday night through Sunday afternoon. Enjoy Rhinebeck’s fine restaurants, shops, historic sites, local theater and dance, live music, book signings, and wine tastings.

Opening Reception Friday,
August 14 at the Gallery at Opus
40 Open studios are
Saturday and Sunday,
August 15-16, from 10am–6pm.
During your Hudson Valley art tour, check out the origin of some beautiful art at the 13th Annual Saugerties Artists Studio Tour. The tour kicks off on Friday, August 14 at the Gallery at Opus 40 Sculpture Park, 50 Fite Road, with an exhibit by participating tour members and an opening reception. The reception hours are from 5–7pm. Open studios are Saturday and Sunday, August 15-16, from 10am to 6pm. Maps will be available starting mid-July at many local Saugerties businesses. The 2015 tour will feature 40 artists working in a wide range of media and styles, such as painting, print making, linocut prints, pottery, handmade tiles, photography, sculpture, recycled wearable art, collage, digital pointillism, mixed media, drawing, bricolage, handmade furniture, and mosaics. 845-246-7493 saugertiesarttour.com
Art Along the Hudson is a guide to art events in the valley. The website has a list of participants and calendar with the latest art events:
artalongthehudson.com .