What could be better than sitting outside on a crisp summer night surrounded by handmade lanterns? Nothing, except knowing your materials came mostly from the recycling bin!We hope you have fun creating with upcycled materials and then decorating your porch, pathways, picnic tables, and windowsills with these super easy, totally gorgeous lanterns!
clean glass jars | tissue paper in assorted colors and prints & any recycled papers (avoid the shiny stuff because it won’t absorb the glue!) | scissors | large paint brush | Mod Podge or any white craft glue mixed with a bit of water | string, lace, fabric, buttons, or any other fun embellishments (optional)
#1 : Begin with a clean jar and your decoupage mixture (Mod Modge or a slightly watered down craft glue). Using a large paint brush, apply a thin layer of your glue mixture to a small section of the outside surface of your jar. Do not decorate the inside of your jar.
#2 : Place a piece of tissue paper over the glue.

#3 : Apply another layer of your glue mixture on top of your tissue paper.
#4 : Move to another area of your jar and repeat until the entire jar is covered.

#5 : Once your jar is covered with paper, you might want to keep adding new colors and patterns of tissue or experiment with adding string or lace. Just layer the glue under and over, like you did with the tissue paper. For any larger or heavier pieces, you’ll want to use a craft glue (without any water) to adhere to the jar. Layer, layer, layer!
#6 : Grab another jar, and make a set!
clean aluminum cans | nails (assorted sizes) | hammer | bath towel | acrylic and/or spray paint (optional)
#1 : Fill your clean tin cans with water and place in the freezer until the water is frozen through (about 24 hours). The ice will keep your can rigid and prevent it from bending as you hammer your design.
#2 : Fold your bath towel and place your tin can on top of the towel. This will help cushion your can and keep it from moving around as you work.

#3 : Hammer a nail into the can until it punctures the aluminum and creates a hole.
#4 : Pull out the nail and keep going to create any pattern you can imagine!

#5 : If you have them, try using nails of different sizes and shapes to create a variety of holes.
#6 : Once you are happy with your design, you can use spray paints or acrylic paints to decorate the outside of your can. Be careful not to get too much paint inside your can, and, most importantly, have fun!
Once you have a whole set of lanterns, grab some votive candles or LED lights and brighten up your summer nights! And when the days are really hot, come visit us in our walk-in art studios for cool, crafty fun! We now have two locations: one in Saugerties and one in Rhinebeck.
fiberflame is a make-your-own mixed-media art studio for all ages and abilities. Walk in any time they are open, and dig into a project!
1776 route 212, Saugerties
18B East Market Street, Rhinebeck