Summer around the Hudson Valley and Catskills means time for all manner of shenanigans. Some gems have been a-polishing for decades; others are new and taking off like rockets. Either way, you can’t go wrong at any of these extremely varied celebrations, so let the good times roll.

COLONY WOODSTOCK July 1: International Reggae Day Celebration July 16: Vaudeville Frolic August 4: Dolly Parton-Inspired Country Western Diva Dance Party The Colony is a refreshed Woodstock icon offering great live music and entertainment every weekend all summer long, or you can experience the most organic side of the scene at the renowned Monday Open Mic nights. Come for dinner and stay for the show; sip your choice of beverage in a lovely beer garden. 22 Rock City Road, Woodstock 845-679-ROCK (7625), colonywoodstock.com
HONEST BROOK MUSIC FESTIVAL July 15-August 13 The Honest Brook Music Festival is a series of classical concerts held in a converted dairy barn, surrounded by lush perennial gardens and beloved by performers for both its acoustic glories and the audience it draws. There’s something different every weekend from July 15-Aug 13; curators have a knack for spotting up-and-coming young, unknown talents who go on to stun the musical world, so come hear the next stars first, right here in the Western Cats. Honest Brook Road, Delhi 607-746-3770, hbmf.org
BELLAYRE MOUNTAIN SUMMER CONCERTS Fridays from July through September
At Belleayre, the mountain at the northwest tip of Ulster County, there are summer concerts every Friday from July through September; movie nights at Belleayre Beach, and the annual “Brews and Views” fest in autumn. If you’re going to be in the area, think about a Season Pass here — it comes with endless rides on the Catskill Thunder Gondola and a lot more. 181 Galli Curci Road, Highmount 845-254-5600, belleayre.com

MAVERICK CONCERTS Every Sunday from June through September The oldest, continuous summer chamber music festival in America, Maverick Concerts have an award-winning tradition of fine sounds that’s over a century long. Shows happen every Sunday from June through September in a gorgeous, hand-built hall; they’ve begun adding some jazz and contemporary to the mix in recent seasons. They also host Maverick Family Saturdays: free, interactive, shorter shows designed to engage all ages. 120 Maverick Road, Woodstock, maverickconcerts.org

CATSKILL MOUNTAIN SHAKESPEARE July 15-30 Dive into the timeless works of the Bard up in Hunter, where they’ll be producing both classic text and new work initiatives at Catskill Mountain Shakespeare from July 15-30. Gather outdoors and under the tent for the fourth season of As You Like It, and groove on the interpretations of experienced, professional talent. “Love is (after all) merely a madness,” so come get you some of the finest flavor. 7970 Main Street, Lanesville (Hunter) catskillmountainshakespeare.com

HUDSON VALLEY ART WEEKEND July 21-24 The Upstate Art Weekend, begun in 2020 with just 23 participants, drew well over 100 the following year and continues to thrive. It’s created with the conscious intention of bringing together locals and visitors around our shared love of the arts, and draws thousands. Art organizations, galleries, museums, residencies, and creative projects participate in a self-guided tour experience from July 21-24 that covers 10 counties—wherever you are up here, this festival is near you. Upstateartweekend.org

POLLINATE: A COMMUNITY MASQUERADE Saturday, July 22 Celebrate the pollinators with Circle Creative Collective’s Pollinator Masquerade. Dance under the stars dressed as birds, flowers, bees, butterflies, and nature spirits of all kinds. You can wear your own masks, crowns, and costumes created at home, join one of Circle’s mask-making workshops, or come to Circle’s Handmade Costume Market to find costumes made by local artists using upcycled and honorably harvested materials. circlecreativecollective.org

BETHEL WOODS FESTIVALS August 19-20 Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, the place where Woodstock happened, was reclaimed in the name of joy as a cultural and performing arts center and hosts epic good times of all sorts. A brand new one, the Catbird Music Festival, will happen on the original festival’s anniversary weekend (August 19-20), filling the natural amphitheater that shook the world with local eats, craft beer, and your favorite folk, indie, and Americana artists, as well as jam bands. 200 Hurd Road, Bethel, bethelwoodscenter.org

DUTCHESS FAIRGROUNDS County Fair: August 22-27 It would be just plain silly to let a beautiful and well-appointed fairgrounds sit idle for much of the year, so the Dutchess County Fairgrounds hosts a wide and wild variety of celebrations. Besides the region’s biggest, boldest county fair, happening from August 22-27 this year, there will be crafts, vintage goodies, food and wine, and livestock taking turns on center stage all summer long. 6550 Spring Brook Avenue, Rhinebeck 845-876-4000, dutchessfair.com

DELAWARE COUNTY FAIR August 14-19 For an authentic country fair experience, come help celebrate the 136th annual Delaware County Fair, happening August 14-19 this year. “We know agriculture, and we know fun,” it says on the website, and they absolutely do: The largest agriculture-centered celebration in the region typically draws about 80,000 visitors each year to partake of events, shows, contests, rides, cuisine and more. Come meet over 1,000 animals, and bring the fam. Fair Street, Walton 607-865-4763, delawarecountyfair.org

QUAIL HOLLOW: WOODSTOCK NP ARTS CRAFTS Sept 4, Labor Day Weekend The Woodstock/New Paltz Arts and Crafts Fair has been growing and thriving since the ’80s. Each Memorial Day and Labor Day weekend, you’ll meet a juried group of many dozens of the finest makers anywhere. Prepare to be delighted by the many thoughtful touches—live music, great local eats and drinks, loads of demonstrations, and a Children’s Center. 249 Libertyville Road, New Paltz 845-516-4342, quailhollow.com