Multiple varieties of Hellebores should be in everyone’s garden. After all, who isn’t in desperate need of some landscape color at the end of a tough, brutal winter?
I’ve been a big fan of Hellebores for many years. They are hardy, deer-resistant shade plants, and they are one of the first perennials to bloom in early spring with blooms that last until mid-May. In addition, the blooms often dry on the plant and remain well into the summer. Many varieties push their delicate blooms up through the snow, and the evergreen foliage adds texture to the garden all summer long. Check out these Hellebores, all low maintenance, all black walnut tolerant, and all beautiful!

Helleborus orientalis
‘Royal Heritage’
Zone 4
24" – 36" tall and wide
One of our favorite Hellebores because of its multicolored blooms.
Helleborus orientalis
‘Ivory Prince’
Zone 4
24" – 36" tall and wide
We love this popular hybrid because of the deep red stems.
Helleborus foetidus
‘Stinking Hellebore’
Zone 5
24" – 36" tall and wide
One of the first perennials of the season to bloom. Pale green maroon-edged flowers and bracts on tall stalks contrast the lower dark foliage. Clay-soil tolerant.

Victoria is owner-operator of Victoria Gardens, a nursery and garden center in Rosendale that will delight gardeners, professionals, and novices alike. Check out the website at victoriagardens.biz