The warmer days and softer breezes are inviting us outdoors again. As the saturated ground gives way to sprouts and blossoms, we can’t help but notice there’s work to be done. The big-picture look at everything that needs to be done can feel overwhelming. But with proper planning and consistent progress (even if it’s just a few minutes every week), your task list will become a thing of the past. Rely on this home improvement checklist to see what this spring may hold. Stroll around your property with the list; add to it as you go. When you’re ready to get the work done, dive in yourself or hire one (or more) of the many reputable local service providers.
interior and exterior of the home
Clean leaves and debris out of gutters.
Check roof for leaks by inspecting your attic.
Make sure water drains away from the house. A French drain or rain garden can help.
If you have a sump pump, check that it’s functioning.
If you have frequent tripping of circuits, talk to an electrician.
Consider installing a generator.
Upgrade to solar power.
Paint or stain worn areas of your home.
Check the strength of your decks or the straightness of the supports.
Get your chimney woodstove cleaned and avoid the fall rush.
Purchase an energy efficient air conditioner.
Install low-flow toilets.
Renovate your kitchen or bathroom to add value to your home.
Install a new carpet, or switch to hardwood or tile floors with throw rugs.
yard and garden areas
Sit and enjoy the sun and warmth.
Clear felled trees, or turn them into firewood or woodchips.
Have lawn equipment serviced, or hire a lawn care pro for the season.
Take out and clean your barbecues, wheelbarrows, and lawn furniture.
Consider amending the soil of your garden beds to create healthier plants.
Install rock walls or pathways. Get your septic pumped, if necessary.
Order fresh gravel for the driveway and rake it out.
Work on landscaping around the house and yard.
Plant fruit trees and bushes. Add a patio.
Decide on the annual flowers you’d like to see this year.
Consider what perennials you have around the property and whether you’d like more.
A good list is the first step toward moving forward. Don’t stress out if it’s long. Good things take time. When you look back at a list like yours in five years, you’ll be shocked to see how much of it got done. Good luck, and enjoy!