Our wonderful farmers are working everyday, all year-round, and supporting them is a great idea under any circumstances—and especially now, when we’re looking for a steady source of nutritious, local foods. Now is the time to purchase a CSA share for the season, which will provide you with ample clean, fresh food. Consider contacting your local market to see what they have to offer. Delivery and pickup options are generally available. Check out the amazing variety at these farms we love.
is your go-to guide to who’s growing what, when, and where. They’re organizing delivery options; call 845-626-1532 or go to rondoutvalleygrowers.org
SULLIVAN COUNTY FARMS A directory can be found at sullivancountyfarms.com. Call them at 845-399-1275.
ADAMS FAIRACRE FARMS is open in Poughkeepsie, Kingston, Newburgh, and Wappingers with loads of local goodness. They’ve instituted a Senior Shopping Hour from 7am to 8am at all locations. Visit adamsfarms.com for branch phone numbers and to learn more.
APPLE BIN FARM MARKET in Ulster Park plans to open for the season as usual. Call 845-339-7229 or visit Apple Bin Farm Market, Inc. on Facebook for details.
DAMN GOOD HONEY FARM in Kerhonkson has started up a farm-fresh delivery service that will include goodies from their own farm and Acorn Hill Farm, Flowering Sun Ecolology Center, Hepworth Farms, Westwind Orchard, Binnewater Bottled Water, and Jenkins-Lueken Orchards. The list may well grow as the season ramps up. Reach out to them at 845-701-1999 for more info.
EMMANUEL’S MARKETPLACE in Stone Ridge is offering Senior Shopping Hours from 7:30am to 9am. Call 845-687-2214.
FISHKILL FARMS in Hopewell Junction is taking orders by phone. Check out the list on their website at fishkillfarms.com and on their Facebook page or call 845-897-4377.
HIGH FALLS FOOD CO-OP in High Falls is open for curbside pickup only. Call 845-687-7262 or email orderpickups@highfallsfoodcoop.com to order supplements, vegan goodies, soups, staples, and more.
HUDSON VALLEY FRESH is a source for local dairy at hudsonvalleyfresh.com or call 845-226-3065.
KELDER’S FARM in Kerhonkson is offering online ordering and curbside pickup, and they’re taking a survey to see what fruits and veggies they should plan to deliver. Call 845-626-7137 for more info.
MEREDITH’S BREAD in Kingston is open, offering gluten-free and traditional breads, pies, cookies, quiche, pot pies, and more. Call 845-331-4318.
MIGLIORELLI FARM has stands open in Mt. Tremper (845-688-2112) and Rhinebeck (845-876-1999). Call in your order and they’ll bring it to your car.
MOTHER EARTH’S STOREHOUSE is open for business in Kingston, Poughkeepsie, and Saugerties with natural foods, bulk foods, bakery, and deli. Visit motherearthstorehouse.com or call 845-336-5541 for the latest.
PHILLIES BRIDGE FARM PROJECT is offering CSA shares that will keep you happy all summer long as the season unfolds. Call for more information: 845-256-9108.
SAUNDERSKILL FARM in Accord will be open for the season starting April 15. Call 845-626-2676.
SEED SONG FARM in Kingston is ready to take your CSA order and is committed to feeding the community. Check out their website (seedsongfarm.org), their Facebook page, or call: 845-383-1528.
SUNFLOWER MARKET in Woodstock and Rhinebeck has natural foods, bulk foods, and healing products. They are open seven days and have senior hours from 9-10am each morning.
WALLKILL VIEW FARM in New Paltz will be open for the season. Check their website (wallkillviewfarmmarket.com), social media, or call 845-255-2050 to see what sprouts.
WRIGHT’S FARM in Gardiner is open for pickup. Call 845-255-5300 for more information; check their social media for the latest deals.
Food donations are sorely needed at this time. Please look up and reach out to your local food pantry if you can help or are in need of support.