When we think spring, we immediately think of crocuses, snow drops, winter aconites, and hellebores. But early spring interest is not limited to just what you see on the ground. Look up! And you will see harbingers of spring in the tree boughs above you.
Here are a few of our favorite trees that sprout unique and beautiful blossoms in the early spring.
magnolia stellata
Star Magnolia
Zone 5
Grows in full sun to partial shade
Grows 10 to 20 feet tall and wide
Opening in early spring before the leaves unfurl, the flowers are mildly fragrant, snowy white, double flowers. Newly emerging leaves are bronzy and quick to turn green. We often see these magnolias bloom again in summer and early autumn—just a random bloom or two—when the foliage is most lush.
Centennial—The many-petaled flowers are white with a hint of pink.
Royal Star—White flowers from pink buds bloom slightly later than other selections.
magnolia ‘elizabeth’
Elizabeth Magnolia
Zone 5
Grows in full sun to partial shade
Grows 15 to 30 feet tall and wide
Few species can match the elegant drama of this specimen in full bloom. It has luminous, pale yellow, cup-shaped flowers that seem to glow on the bare branches in late spring. Magnolia flowerbuds are susceptible to late-season frosts. Plant in areas protected from high winds.
cercis canadensis ‘hearts of gold’
Hearts of Gold Eastern Redbud
Zone 5
Grows in full sun to partial shade
Grows 15 to 18 feet tall and wide
The heart-shaped leaves of the Hearts of Gold Eastern Redbud variety are a dazzling golden green. In the fall the leaves turn a striking orange/yellow. We love this tree planted at the woodland’s edge, where the striking light foliage stands out against the dark forest behind it.
cercis canadensis
Eastern Pansy Redbud
Zone 5
Grows in full sun to partial shade
Grows 25 to 25 feet tall and wide
Covered in tiny flower buds in the spring, sometimes Eastern Pansy Redbuds look as though they are covered in a thick velvet. The buds open into small fairy flowers and then the delicate heart-shaped foliage emerges. It’s hard to say which phase is more beautiful. This is one of our favorites!
Victoria is owner-operator of Victoria Gardens, a nursery and garden center in Rosendale that delights gardeners, professionals, and novices alike. Victoria Gardens, 1 Cottekill Road, Rosendale, 845-658-9007, victoriagardens.biz