Stamps: You can buy holiday-shaped stamps at a local art supply store or make your own with potatoes.
To make your own with a potato, cut the potato in half either way, based on your stamp size preference. First use a sharp, pointy object, like a skewer, to carve the image into the surface of the potato. Then use a paring knife to cut away the background so that only your image is at the surface.
Ink or Paint: There are so many colors to choose from… pick a bunch that suit your creative ideas best!
Paper: Newsprint or butcher paper. Both can be found at your local arts and crafts store, or get friendly with your local butcher and ask for a few feet with your next order!
Jewels and Crystals: Add a glamorous touch to any homemade paper with a few stick-on crystals.
While working on your project, grab any other notions that you think would work well on paper, and run with it!
10 Simple Steps to Special Wrapping Paper:
1) Find a flat surface with plenty of space.
2) Lay out some newspaper to protect your surface.
3) Choose your paper. Newsprint is a shade of off-white, so the colors come out richer. Butcher paper is convenient because you can roll it out and make larger sheets with the same stamp. It also has a more rustic texture and color.
4) Be sure to have a large piece of scrap paper for test prints.
5) First check that your stamps are fully saturated, but not overly saturated, by testing them on the scrap paper.
6) Choose darker-colored inks if you’re using butcher paper.
7) Stamps have to be pressed into the ink before almost every application, depending on your pattern or design.
8) Keep your stamps lined up symmetrically as you go.
9) Use different colors, overlay stamps, add crystals, and above all—be creative and have fun.
10) Find your prettiest bows and ribbons and wrap away while you enjoy a little spiced eggnog!