You Will Need:
velcro strips
kitty/puppy collar
assorted colored felts
ruler/measuring tape
scissors or rotary cutter
sewing machine or
needle & thread

1 Measure all your materials to get an idea of how each must be folded and cut.
2 Cut the mane's ribbons after you've folded the felt over. NOTE: Don't cut all the way to the end. You must leave a bit to sew at the end.
3 You only need a half sheet of the contrast color (I chose yellow), instead of a a full folded sheet. I cut these strips much more thinly.

4 Handstitch or machine stitch all the mane pieces to your collar and cut the extra.
5 Cut a width of 2in out of your dark felt and 3in out of your light felt for the feet. 4.5in length should be enough to wrap around.
6 Cut the ribbons for the feet, then the amount of velcro you need.
7 Attach the velcro securely. The soft part should be on the inside where it will rub against the legs.

8 Good job!
And good luck getting it on your cat or dog! Ha!