For this piece, VISITvortex took our own Jessica Brush
and Ben Stella over to Columbia Costumes in Kingston.
They have everything you need for any costume you might be planning, and THEY’RE AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED LOCAL BUSINESS. This season steer clear of the big box stores and either be creative and make your own costume, mix homemade with store-bought accessories, or get a complete costume from a shop like Columbia that won't leave town next month.
You Will Need:
green cream makeup
makeup brushes
makeup sponges
witch’s nose
spirit gum to stick on nose
spirit gum remover
black eyebrow pencil
long black wig

You Will Need:
brown cream makeup
makeup brushes
makeup sponges
black eyebrow pencil
pack of face hair for sideburns
spirit gum to stick on sideburns
spirit gum remover
comb to tease hair
teeth with fangs

A special thanks to Laura at Columbia Costume
and her talented makeup artists!
Shot by The Roy Gumpel