WHAT’S HAPPENING Hudson Valley be in the know about hudson valley and catskills summer happenings facebook.com/hudsonvalleyevents Add your events free at visitvortex.com
AUGUST 4-7 Phoenicia International Festival of the VoiceThis festival promotes the human voice as an instrument of healing, peace, and artistic expression by presenting world class performances in genres from opera to gospel and world music to Broadway. Go to Parish Field: Ursula Drive, Phoenicia. 845-802- 5266. phoeniciavoicefest.org.
AUGUST 12-14 14th Annual Saugerties Artists Studio TourMore than forty artists working with a wide variety of materials will open their doors for this free tour. See examples of their work online and pick up a map to help you plan your visits to the studios of your choice for an up-close look into the artists’ creative lifestyles and processes. For a preview of the art on the tour, go to the opening on Friday, August 12 from 5-7pm at the Gallery at Opus 40. Opus 40 is located at 50 Fite Road in Saugerties. saugertiesarttour.com
AUGUST 13, 10AM-DUSK Sunflower Art FestivalEat. Drink. Shop. Dance. Paint. Sing. Express yourself at the Sunflower Art Festival, where there will be 12+ bands, 50 artists, 25 vendors, live community art, food trucks, activities for kids, and more. Admission is free, but a suggested donation is $10 per person. A portion of the proceeds from the event will go to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. Go to:Tuthilltown Spirits:20 Grist Mill Lane, Gardiner.sunflowerartfestival.com.
AUGUST 19-21, 8PM The Esopus Creek Puppet SuiteThis is the Arm of the Sea Theater’s annual hometown summer spectacle, inspired by events in local history. The show is made new each year and brought to life by a large cast of veteran performers and volunteers. Please contact Arm of the Sea if you would like to help build or perform in this year’s show. For the event, go to Tina Chorvas Waterfront Park:East Bridge Street, Saugerties. 845-246-7873.armofthesea.org.
AUGUST 26–28 The Summer HootThe Hoot is a biannual music and arts festival that celebrates the beauty, community, and creativity of the Hudson Valley and Catskills region. This downto- earth, family friendly festival features local and traveling rock, folk, and roots musicians, beer and local food, hiking and camping, and activities for all ages. This year’s lineup includes The Mike + Ruthy Band, Simi Stone, Tracy Bonham, Burnell Pines, Connor Kennedy, and more. Tickets are pay-what-you-want, and proceeds benefit the Ashokan Center. Go to the Ashokan Center:477 Beaverkill Road, Olivebridge.homeofthehoot.com.
SEPTEMBER 3-4, 11AM-5PM 9th Annual Art Studio Views Tour in Northern Dutchess and Southern Columbia CountiesThis self-guided tour offers the public a unique opportunity to visit 27 private Hudson Valley artist studios. The artists on the tour represent a wide-range of styles and techniques in:painting, photography, printmaking, ceramics, and glass. This event is free-of-charge and open to the public. Maps and information are available at the tour’s headquarter locations:Tivoli Artist Gallery, Betsy Jacaruso Studio & Gallery, and the Artists’ Collective of Hyde Park. Visit artstudioviews.com for a complete list of artists and sponsors or to download the map.
JUNE 16, JULY 21, & AUGUST 18, 7-10PM Summer Concert SeriesBring a lawn chair or a blanket and enjoy concerts on the main playfield atBear Mountain. See the Amish Outlaws on June 16, see Alex Meisner on July 21, and see Mighty Spectrum on August 18. Concerts will be moved inside the Bear Mountain Inn in the event of inclement weather. Go to Bear Mountain State Park:Palisades Parkway or Route 9W North, Bear Mountain. 845-786-2701. 0nysparks.com/events/event.aspx?e=13-15776.0.
JUNE 17, JULY 15, AUG 19, & SEPT 16, 6-10PM Kingston Night MarketThe Night Market is a pop-up street festival hosted by the Kingston Waterfront Business Association. It highlights neighborhood businesses and brings people together from all over the Hudson Valley. The market features booths with local artists, makers, businesses, and non-profits, and the street is transformed through lighting, live music, food, and vendor booths. Go to the Kingston Waterfront:1 Broadway, Kingston. nightmarketkingston.com.
JUNE 18-NOVEMBER 13 CAMPSITE:Hudson Valley Artists 2016This show draws inspiration from the traditions, rituals, and aesthetics associated with the region’s rich history of summer camps. From tent grounds, to sleepaway camps, to pleasure resorts, these sites conjure up the promise of new adventures, diversions, libidinal pursuits, and unfettered experimentation. Moving across artistic disciplines and mediums, including performance, textiles, painting, drawing, installation, video, and photography, CAMPSITE promises to transform the museum space into a locus of visual pleasures and unexpected activities. Go to the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art at SUNY New Paltz:1 Hawk Drive, New Paltz. newpaltz.edu/museum.
JUNE 18, 11AM-3PM 11th Annual Midtown Make a Difference DayJoin Family of Woodstock in celebrating all of the people and places that make Midtown Kingston beautiful. Community information will be provided by local agencies, and there will be music, food, and lots of fun. All food and activities are free for everyone. Go to Franklin Street in Kingston. For more information, contact Megan at 845-331-1110 or mweiss@fowinc.org. To volunteer, contact Beth at 845-331-7080 x157 or orgvolunteers@fowinc.org.
JUNE 18, 5:30-10PM Beaux Arts Gala for Woodstock Artists AssociationThe evening begins with a cocktail reception featuring live music with jazz vocalist and guitarist Perry Beekman. Hors d’oeuvres will be provided by New World Home Cooking with meats by Fleishers Craft Butchery. View a special exhibition of Little Gems: new work generously donated by artist members and made available exclusively to gala supporters for only $100 each. Round out the evening with a delicious buffet dinner, a special live auction, a raffle, and dancing to a live five-piece band with members of Soul Purpose. Tickets are $85. Go to the Saugerties Performing Arts Factory: 169 Ulster Avenue, Saugerties. 845-679-2940. woodstockart.org/beaux-artsgala-june-18-2016.
JUNE 19, 7:30-10AM New Paltz Challenge RunThe 2016 edition of this run will be held on Father’s Day, and proceeds will benefit the New Paltz Regional Chamber of Commerce and its community projects. Participants can choose from a half-marathon, family 5K, and a kid’s one-mile run. The half-marathon features an out-and-back course along the scenic Wallkill Valley Rail Trail and offers runners a rural New Paltz landscape with sweeping views of the Shawangunk Ridge, the Wallkill River, and historic Huguenot Street. Meet in the Gilded Otter parking lot: 3 Main Street, New Paltz. For more information, visit newpaltzchamber.org/news_events/new_paltz_challenge_2016.aspx.
JUNE 19, 10AM-5PM Huguenot Street Family DayToday, the whole family can see the wonders on historic Huguenot Street— free of charge. Go to the visitor center: 81 Huguenot Street, New Paltz. 845-255-1660. huguenotstreet.org/calendar-of-events.
JUNE 19, 4:30-6:30PM 6th Annual Let’s Move! UlsterEnjoy healthy food and fitness demonstrations in Dance Xross Fitness, yoga, Zumba, African dance, tai chi, and more. There will also be performances by P.O.O.K., Energy Dance Company, S.O.L., and special guests. The Diversity Parade starts at 3pm at Academy Park and Let’s Move! Ulster starts at 4:30pm at the Cornell Street municipal parking lot. Contact info@cce4me.org for information or call 845-338-7664. facebook.com/letsmoveulster.
JUNE 23, 6-9PM Vintage Bike NightHosted by Brunette Wine Bar and Jay Teske Leather Company, this event includes drink specials, discounts on leather goods, and more. Go to the Kingston Waterfront: 25 Broadway, Kingston. 845-514-2599.
JUNE 25, 10AM-5PM Annual Hudson River DayCelebrate the history and bounty of the Hudson River Valley, learn about historical industries, and visit heritage vessels. There will be entertainment, vendors, and children’s activities. Go to the Hudson River Maritime Museum: 50 Rondout Landing, Kingston. 845-338-0071. hrmm.org.
JUNE 25, 10AM-6PM
& JUNE 26, 10AM-5PM The Rhinebeck Arts FestivalMeet a unique mix of 200 emerging and seasoned artists whose extraordinary skill and vision make this one of the region’s most anticipated yearly events. Enjoy great live music, interactive art, craft demonstrations, family activities, gourmet specialty foods, and more. Go to 6550 Spring Brook Avenue, Rhinebeck. artrider.com/#!rhinebeck-arts-festival-2016/cdf3.
JUNE 26, 8AM-2PM Tour de KingstonThe five-mile Family Fun Bike Ride is free and makes a loop of Uptown and Midtown attractions, including the Fireman’s Museum, the YMCA, and the historic Senate House. There will also be 10-mile, 18-mile, 25-mile, 28-mile, and 50-mile options. The tour starts at Forsyth Park: 157 Lucas Avenue, Kingston. 845-943-609 x.3102. For more information, including registration fees, visit bikereg.com/11th-annual-tour-de-kingston-ulster.
JUNE 26, 10AM-NOON Dog Days of Summer HikeBring your favorite furry friend along for a romp through the fields and forests with Andrew Bajardi, Mohonk Preserve ranger. All well-behaved dogs on short leashes are welcome. Be sure to bring water for yourself and your pet. Children ages 10 and up are welcome with an adult. This program includes a moderate, four-mile hike. Meet at the Mohonk Preserve Spring Farm Trailhead. This is a free program. 845-255-0919. mohonkpreserve.org/events
JUNE 26, 1PM Gilded Age Scandals! TourRuth and Ogden Mills were models of respectability, but several of their Gilded Age peers were not! Learn about the scandalous behavior and intrigues of the very rich at the turn-of-the-century while touring the mansion. Reservations required. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors and students, and $5 for Friends of Mills Mansion. Go to the Staatsburgh State Historic Site: Old Post Road, Staatsburg. 845-889-8851. nysparks.com/events/event.aspx?e=25-15838.0
JUNE 26, 2PM Guided Walking Tour of Main Street in HurleySaunter down historic Main Street for this rain-or-shine tour. Meet at the Hurley Museum: 52 Main Street, Hurley. The tour is $5 for adults and free for children under 12. 845-338-1661. hurleyheritagesociety.org. facebook.com/HurleyHeritageSociety
JUNE 26, 2-4PM Introduction to BeekeepingJoin Keith and Jennifer Duarte, owners of Damn Good Honey Farm in Kerhonkson, as they cover the basics of beekeeping. Learn how to identify castes of honeybees, what activity inside and outside the hive looks like, the components of a beehive, how to obtain honeybees, and what to expect during your first year. Children ages 12 and up are welcome with an adult. Space is limited, so register early. Registration is $7 per person. 845-255-0919. mohonkpreserve.org/events
JUNE 26, 7PM OC/DC Live @ The FalconKeep Ornette’s unique harmelodic vision alive by listening to the music of Ornette Coleman, Don Cherry, and Dewey Redman, featuring: Dave Ballou on trumpet, Jane Ira Bloom on soprano sax, Cameron Brown on bass, and Anthony Pinciotti on drums. Go to the Falcon: 1348 Route 9W, Marlboro. 845-236-7970. liveatthefalcon.com.
JULY 3, 5-8PM Supreme Fiction: Monotypes and Mylar PaintingsInspired by the luscious paintings of the Baroque Era, Catherine Howe’s riotous compositions bring still lifes and botanicals into the 21st century. Her exuberantly expressive brushwork and attention to surface create vibrant works out of uniquely contemporary materials, such as carborundum grit and polyester. The luminous results resist categorization as solely drawings, paintings, or prints. Go to the Cross Contemporary Art Gallery: 81 Partition Street, Saugerties. crosscontemporaryart.com
JULY 4 Downtown Kingston Fourth of July CelebrationWaterfront outdoor dining and live music kick off the annual Kingston Fourth of July celebration, followed by a video tribute to veterans. Visitors to the waterfront can sit back and enjoy a locally sponsored fireworks display. Parking and shuttles will be available for convenience. thekingstonwaterfront.com/events-3.
JULY 4, NOON Independence Day ParadeThis annual rain-or-shine event starts at Ellenville High School. There will be seven bands, 80 groups and organizations, fire department participation, and fireworks at 9:30pm at the LHJ Airport. 845-647-6493.
JULY 4, 2-10PM An Old-Fashioned Independence DayEnjoy 18th century crafts, reenactors, music, and entertainment at this day for young families. Later, enjoy live music and delicious hot food followed by a view of the Saugerties fireworks over the Hudson River. Admission is $10 per car and $8 for Friends of Clermont. Go to Clermont State Historic Site: 1 Clermont Avenue, Germantown. 518-537-4240. friendsofclermont.org/#!events/latge.
JULY 4, 3PM-DARK 4th of July Fireworks at Memorial ParkEnjoy fireworks presented by the City of Beacon, Beacon-Fishkill Kiwanis Club, The Costellos, and I Am Beacon. Bring the whole family to enjoy. Fireworks begin at dusk.
JULY 8, 9, 15, AND 16 AT 7:30 PM & JULY 10 AND 17 AT 2PM Coach House Players Present: Natalie Needs a Nightie.Produced by Samuel French, Inc., this is a comedy by Neil and Caroline Schaffner. Tickets are $20 for adults and $18 for seniors 62 and over and children 12 and under. Go to Coach House Players: 12 Augusta Street, Kingston. Ticket reservations can be made by calling 845-331-2476 or online at coachhouseplayers.org.
JULY 9, 10:30AM-4:30PM 12th Annual Secret Gardens TourSpend a day viewing nature’s beauty while visiting seven private gardens in Kingston and getting ideas for your own garden. Proceeds benefit the Boys and Girls Club, Friends of Historic Kingston, and the Ulster County SPCA. Tickets are limited and are $20 through July 7. Pick yours up before June 30 at Smith Hardware or Herzog’s, or send a check payable to the Boys and Girls Club to Secret Gardens Tour, PO Box 32, Malden, NY 12453. Tickets on the day of the tour are $30 outside Herzog’s True Value between 10:30am and 12:30pm. The torrential rain date is set for July 10. For more information, call 845-246-0710.
JULY 10, 1-2PM 2nd Annual Rosendale Mermaid ParadeThe Rosendale Mermaid Parade is a great way to frolic while gathering the community to raise funds for the town pool and theatre. Get to the parking lot by the Rosendale Farmer’s Market behind the Belltower Venue on Main Street anytime between 10am and 2pm. At 1pm, everyone will gather to march down Main Street with the Rosendale Improvement Association Brass Band and Social Club leading the charge. Amy Trompetter of the Red Wing Blackbird Theater on Main Street will be making giant mermaid puppets. rosendalevictorian.wix.com/mermaid-parade.
JULY 16, 6PM SummerScape Gala 2016: The Spirit of Montgomery Place.This unforgettable midsummer party will benefit the Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts. Save the date for an elegant evening in the company of some very special guests at Montgomery Place, the historic Hudson Valley estate that recently became part of the Bard campus. For more information, contact Linda Baldwin at events@bard.edu or call 845-758-7414. fishercenter.bard.edu/calendar/event.php?eid=131128.
JULY 17, 11AM Skull and Bones Nature ProgramThis is a fun nature program for children ages six to nine. What can you tell by looking at a skull? Children become detectives, examining animal skulls to learn about predator and prey animals. This program is $2 per child. Reservations are required. Call 845-889-8851. nysparks.com/events/event.aspx?e=25-15841.0.
JULY 19-20, 7:15PM Royal Shakespeare Company: HamletHamlet has the world at his feet. He’s young, wealthy, and living a hedonistic life studying abroad. Then, word reaches him that his father is dead. Returning home, he finds his world is utterly changed, his certainties smashed, and his home a foreign land. Struggling to understand his place in a new world order, he faces a stark choice: submit, or rage against the injustice of his new reality. Simon Godwin directs Paapa Essiedu as Hamlet in Shakespeare’s searing tragedy. As relevant today as when it was written, Hamlet confronts each of us with the mirror of our own mortality in an imperfect world. Admission is $12, $10 for members. Go to the Rosendale Theatre: 408 Main Street, Rosendale. 845-658-8989. rosendaletheatre.org.
JULY 22-24, 9AM-DUSK 4th Hudson Valley Chalk FestivalThe Hudson Valley Chalk Festival, sponsored by the Water Street Market, supports a 500-year-old street art tradition originating on the streets of Italy. The festival gathers top artists in the country and brings them to the Hudson Valley for the community to be able to participate in, be educated by, and be entertained by this unique experience. The festival is a free event for the community, with activities for everyone. Go to the Water Street Market: 10 Main Street, New Paltz. 845-774-9705. hudsonvalleychalkfestival.com.
JULY 29, 8PM An Evening with Aretha FranklinKnown around the world as the undisputed reigning “queen of soul,” Aretha Franklin is one of the most influential and important voices in the history of American music, with a repertoire that spans pop, soul, jazz, rock, blues, and gospel. Go to the Pavilion at Bethel Woods: 200 Hurd Road, Bethel. 866-781-2922. bethelwoodscenter.org/events/detail/arethafranklin.
JULY 30, 10AM-4PM 7th Annual Catskill Forest FestivalCelebrate our region’s forests at this festival, which will include a logging competition, arts and crafts, maple products, a sawmill, wood products, recreation vendors, forestry equipment, a food and beverage tent, and fun for the entire family. Admission is free. Go to the Margaretville Park Pavilion. 845-586-3054. catskillforest.org/event/forest-festival.
JULY 30-31, NOON-5PM Bounty of the Hudson Wine & Food FestivalEnjoy tastings of the region’s finest wines from all 15 Shawangunk Wine Trail wineries, plus others from around the region. Sample local cheeses, honey, baked goods, and produce. Local food vendors and specialty food trucks will be on-site. One-day tasting tickets are $28 in advance or $38 at the gate. Admission includes a souvenir Shawangunk Wine Trail wine glass, a sampling from each of the attending wineries, and an afternoon of live music. Must be 21 or over to attend. $10 designated driver tickets are available. Go to Applewood Winery: 82 Four Corners Road, Warwick. 845-256-8456. bountyofthehudson.com.
AUGUST 2-7 Ulster County FairFor rides, food, exhibits, games, animals, and super headliner entertainment, go to the Ulster County Fairgrounds: 249 Libertyville Road, New Paltz. 845-255-1380 or 845-255-1707. More information and discounted admissions can be found at ulstercountyfair.com.
AUGUST 4-7 Phoenicia International Festival of the VoiceSee featured events on page 165.
AUGUST 11-14 Hudson Valley Jazz FestivalThis festival highlights local talent alongside nationally and internationally known artists. This year, the goal was to include area musicians that have not yet been part of this series because the region has many terrific artists—all worthy of recognition. hudsonvalleyjazzfest.org.
AUGUST 12-14 14th Annual Saugerties Artists Studio TourSee featured events on page 165.
AUGUST 13, 10AM-DUSK Sunflower Art FestivalSee featured events on page 165.
AUGUST 19-21, 8PM The Esopus Creek Puppet SuiteSee featured events on page 166.
AUGUST 23-28, 10AM The 171st Dutchess County FairThe second largest county fair in New York, the Dutchess County Fair showcases Dutchess County agriculture on over 144 acres. There will be thousands of farm animals, agricultural exhibits, and horticultural displays, and don’t forget the carnival, with rides, food, and top-name talents performing. Go to 6550 Spring Brook Avenue, Rhinebeck. 845-876-4000. dutchessfair.com.

AUGUST 26, 7PM A Magical Moonlight AffairThis is a special night to honor the Center for Performing Arts’ visionary founder Andy Weintraub, featuring illusionist Ryan Dutcher. Participate in silent and live auctions and enjoy complimentary wine and beverages, plus food and desserts provided by Terrapin. All proceeds will directly benefit the Center for Performing Arts. Please call for reservations and individual and business sponsorship opportunities. Go to the Center for Performing Arts: 661 Route 308, Rhinebeck. Call the box office at 845-876-3080. centerforperformingarts.org.
AUGUST 26–28 The Summer HootSee featured events on page 166.
AUGUST 26–28 The Summer HootSee featured events on page 166.
AUGUST 26-28 & SEPTEMBER 2-4 Coach House Players Annual Variety ShowThe theme this year is “Hootenanny.” Songs, dances, and comedy routines will be featured. Admission is $20 for adults and $18 for seniors 62 and over and children 12 and under. The theater is air-conditioned and handicapped accessible with assistance. Go to Coach House Players: 12 Augusta Street, Kingston. 845-331-2476. coachhouseplayers.org.
SEPTEMBER 3-4, 10AM-5:30PM & SEPTEMBER 5, 10AM-4PM Woodstock-New Paltz Art and Crafts FairExperience one of America’s largest varieties of arts and crafts demonstrations while being entertained by the best regional musicians. Savor the very best the Hudson Valley has to offer in both New York State wines and locally produced, handcrafted specialty foods. Go to Ulster County Fairgrounds: 249 Libertyville Road, New Paltz. 845-246-3414. quailhollow.com.
SEPTEMBER 3-4, 11AM-5PM 9th Annual Art Studio Views Tour in Northern Dutchess and Southern Columbia CountiesSee featured events on page 166.
SEPTEMBER 8, 5-9PM Fall for ArtFall for Art (FFA), a juried art show, sale, and cocktail reception that features more than 25 of the Hudson Valley’s gifted artists, celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. The popular event, hosted by the Jewish Federation of Ulster County, supports regional not-for-profit organizations. Tickets will be available for purchase on the FFA website in August and at the Federation office at 1 Albany Avenue, Suite G-10. Go to The Chateau: 240 Boulevard, Kingston. 845-338-8131. fallforart.org.
SEPTEMBER 10, 11AM-6PM & SEPTEMBER 11, 11AM-5PM 15th Annual Hudson Valley Wine and Food FestThis is a real crowd pleaser, with wines from the best distilleries and wineries New York has to offer. Taste foods that will feed your soul with a vast variety of gourmet specials from all over the eastern coast of the state and more from fine food vendors. Tasting tickets are $40 and are good for one day, and regular admission is $15. Children age 12 and under are admitted for free. Go to Dutchess County Fairgrounds: 6550 Spring Brook Avenue, Rhinebeck. 845-658-7181. hudsonvalleywinefest.com.
ONGOING: FAIR-WEATHER SUNDAYS FROM APRIL-NOVEMBER, 8AM-3PM Beacon Flea MarketBeacon Flea Market attracts a variety of vendors selling vintage collectibles, household items, antique curiosities, and handmade arts and crafts. Regular dealers and one-time garage-sale booths make the market fresh and engaging every Sunday. Highlights include colorful glassware, trunks and furniture, estate sale and house clean-out, vintage designer bags, vinyl, books, retro cookware, hand-made jewelry, and local antiquities. Go to 6 Henry Street, Beacon (just behind the Main Street Post Office). 845-202-0094. beaconflea.blogspot.com.