Sacred Fire 20th Year Celebration

Thursday, Jul 04 2024;    Friday, Jul 05 2024;    Saturday, Jul 06 2024;    Sunday, Jul 07 2024;
4:00 PM To 11:00 AM

1155 County Highway 6 Margaretville, New York 12455

"Fire is love...and connection...and exchange." – Grandfather Fire

Listen to sacred stories, experience a rare opportunity to have an audience with Grandfather Fire, share delicious organic and locally sourced meals, make new friends and connect with old friends, listen to and share stories about the history of Sacred Fire and hear how we're moving into the future, dance, celebrate, and much more...

Come together to nurture our connection to the presence of Fire within each of us. Experience an empowered engagement with life as we feel the aliveness of the natural world. Be transformed as we move together in community and strengthen our connections.

Twenty years ago, in 2004, the first Sacred Fire Firekeeper was initiated. Since that time we have experienced growth, transformation, learning, and most of all, the gift of connecting around a sacred fire. Many lives have been enriched by this simple, yet profound act of gathering together, giving gratitude in the form of sacred offerings, connecting to our common hearts, and witnessing the transformative effect of fire in our lives. Sacred Fire now has over 50 initiated Firekeepers across 7 countries, leading monthly fire ceremonies for over 3,000 people in their shared communities.