Join us for our 6th Annual TAP NY bus trip from Aroma Thyme. This is the biggest beer festival in NY. Beer lovers join over 80 NY breweries every year for this incredible beer festival. This is the beer event that you don’t want to ever miss.
Join us on our coach bus!!!
And this year we are making it easy for you to attend. The Aroma Thyme Beer Bus has three pickup points on Sunday, April 26th 2015.
Be one of the beer fanatics of Aroma Thyme.
$100 per person, includes TAP tickets and transportation.
Three pickup and drop-off spots this year!!!
Rock Hill Dutch's 8:45am
Ellenville, Aroma Thyme Bistro at 9:45am
We will also pick up in Kingston at Keegan Ales at 10:45am
Quick Notes:
Sunday, April 26th, 2015
Pick up either Aroma Thyme Bistro in Ellenville
Keegan Ales in Kingston
$100/ person includes ticket to TAP and Coach Bus
RSVP at (845) 647-3000
What is TAP New York?
Over the years, TAPSM New York has developed into one of New York State's largest craft beer festivals.
We're not talking about big-corporation beer that comes out of huge vats in a 300,000 sq. ft. production plant. We're talking about hand-made beer.... not beer that is rushed through the brewing process to get it on the shelf as quickly as possible, but beer with enough personality and genuine taste to be called "craft-brewed". This is beer made with pride by people who truly enjoy a quality, flavorful beer.
Many of the invited brewers produce their beer for sale only in their location.... whether it is a restaurant, a brewpub or a small brewery. Others are breweries large enough to distribute on a larger scale, but maintain an excellent quality through their commitment to craft-brewing their product. You won't find Anheuser-Busch, Coors, or Miller products here. What you will find are some truly remarkable beers that will tantalize your taste buds... beers that offer a variety of color and flavor that the big boys only dream of. You'll find everything from pale ales and pilsners, to weisbiers, porters, stouts, and scotch ales; from hearty Bohemian and Bavarian-style lagers to glorious Belgian-style ales and, dare we say, even more.
But TAPSM New York is more than just about the beer. It's about great food -- tasty morsels that carefully complement these rich brews. And plenty of it.
It's about education.... about beer, about home-brewing, about beer/food pairings.... it's about cooking demonstrations from some of the best chefs in the region (and beyond).... and it's about good friends coming together for a weekend of good beer, good food and good times.
TAPSM New York is also a competition. Beer experts and non-experts will judge in a competition for the "Best Beer" and "Best Brewery" in New York State. Two cups are awarded on Saturday, the Matthew Vassar Cup and the F. X. Matt Memorial Cup.
Where is TAPSM New York?
TAPSM New York is held in the base lodge at Hunter Mountain in the beautiful northern Catskill Mountains.
You must be 21 years of age or older to attend TAPSM New York. No infants or children will be permitted to enter the event. This includes infants in strollers or carried by a parent. For the benefit and safety of your child and all other attendees, please make arrangements to leave your children at home or with friends or relatives.
Go to their website and read more…then book tickets with us