Join the 'Surviving Sisters' Team for the 2015 Dutchess-Ulster Heart Walk, Sat, March 14, Vassar College, Raymond Ave, Poughkeepsie NY, starting 10 AM (8:30 registration).
If you cannot attend the walk & wish to make a tax-deductible contribution to the American Heart Association & support the 'Surviving Sisters' Team, write a check/money order payable to the AHA & drop it off to Surviving Sisters' Boutique or mail to the boutique at 4412 Albany Post Rd, Hyde Park NY 12538. Feel free to call us (845)229-0425 for any further information or to pick up a Sponsorship Envelope. Any donation, no matter what the amount is greatly appreciated...every dollar counts fighting the No. 1 & No. 3 killer in this country.
To sign up as a walker Sign Release & search Surviving Sisters Team to Join! You can also conveniently make a donation on line (minimum contribution is $25) .
Come on...put your walking shoes on, your heart will love you for it!!!
Thanks so much for Caring, Kim Miller, Team Captain, Surviving Sisters' Boutique ♥